Saturday, August 15, 2009

Wow how horrible am I at updating. Here are the most recent pictures that we have. The girls will be a year old on September 5.

Monday, March 23, 2009


They finally discovered each other.

Caylyn and her new earrings.

Taylyn and her new earrings.

Taylyn after eating M&M's.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Family Pics

Thanks to the wonderful snow day in January we were able to take pics of the kids.

The girls birth to 6 months

The girls were born September 5, 2008. They were born at 27 weeks, making them 3 months premature. Taylyn Hope weighed 2.12 and Caylyn Faith weighed 2.9. Here is one of their first pictures with their daddy.

September 2008

Halloween 2008

See how much they grew in 2 months!!!

December 2008

For comparison purposes only, not the best pic in the world, I'm just trying to show how much they have grown.

January 2009

They finally started sleeping through the night once we put them in the crib together. We put them at opposite ends of the crib and by morning they are head to head. It is truly the sweetest thing.

Feburary 2009

This month they mastered rolling from tummy to back, therefore sleeping is not what it used to be.

They are now weighing Taylyn 11.13 and Caylyn 11.2. They are still very small for their age, but they are catching up. They are both now working on rolling from back to tummy. They have totally different personalities. Caylyn is very personable and loves and talks to everyone and Taylyn on the other hand is definitely a daddy's girl.

What a horrible habit she has developed. She has now discovered her thumb and absolutely loves it.